Protect your teeth with clear sealants.
Dental Sealants
Dental Sealants in Norwalk, CA
Dental Sealants in Norwalk, CA
Dental sealants, for kids and adults effectively “seal” deep grooves and protect the depressions of your teeth from food particles and plaque that brushing and flossing can’t reach.
The dental sealants procedure for kids and adults at Alondra Dental Care is simple and requires only a few minutes to create a barrier to preserve your enamel from plaque and acids. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing and can last several years before a reapplication is needed.
A dental sealant is a resin coating that a dentist permanently bonds to the chewing surfaces of molars, premolars, and canines.
The main purpose of a dental sealants procedure is to protect young teeth and their roots from cavities. Sealants cover smaller tooth surfaces with a protective film in order to prevent food particles and acids from damaging your teeth. Adults can also benefit from dental sealants.
Both children and adults can benefit from dental sealants in the fight against tooth decay. The younger you are, the better the sealant’s chances of working. Sealants are recommended for ages 6 and 12 when molars first start to appear in the mouth.
During the dental sealant procedure, the dentist applies a chemical solution that hardens into the clear sealant material inside the mold sealing away cavities and gaps between teeth. To conclude your dentistry session, they’ll remove the mold from your mouth and give you instructions on how to take care of your sealants.
You can schedule a dental sealant appointment by reaching out to us on our website and requesting an appointment. Our staff will get in touch with you to find the exact date and time that works best for your schedule.
Try to schedule your dental sealants appointment in Los Angeles during your routine dental checkup every six months. This will allow your dentist to make sure your teeth don’t have decay before placing the sealants. Your dentist will be able to apply your sealants swiftly and painlessly.
A pulp infection occurs when a tooth’s innermost part, which contains blood vessels and nerves, becomes inflamed. Your dentist must treat this infection before placing a sealant over the affected tooth, as a sealant could make the condition worse by trapping bacteria inside.
Procedures involving dental sealants for kids and adults are typically painless and have no adverse effects. First, the dentist cleans and dries the tooth receiving the sealant. Next, they place the sealant onto the tooth’s chewing surface.